Road Map to Recovery - Mind Your Brain Conference Skip to content

Road Map to Recovery


Although every brain injury is different, being aware of level-of-care options based on the abilities and cognition of the injured person, will help prepare you and loved ones for decisions related to brain  injury. This knowledge will provide help, offer hope and lead to healing. Life with brain injury is a journey. To see the entire Road Map to Recovery Click here.

Tips for keeping yourself engaged from home

  • Take a virtual tour
  • Museums and zoos are doing virtual tours of their locations right now for free
  • Exercise your brain through cognitive enriching activity
  • Keep up with work around the house, play games, or keep thinking
  • Utilize YouTube to see the world: Have you ever wanted to travel somewhere or see the wonders of the world? There are several videos on YouTube which can tour you around many locations you may want to see
  • Online support groups
  • Brain Injury Support Groups
  • Addiction Support Groups
  • Utilize an activity resource book
  • Coloring
  • Word searches / Crossword puzzles
  • Yoga / stretching

Our Partners in your Road Map to Recovery

Tips to adapting to Life with a Brain Injury

  • Regular sleep is critical to our physical, cognitive, and mental health
  • Rest when needed – do not push yourself; Be aware of cognitive fatigue
  • Think of your brain like a battery – sometimes it needs to be recharged
  • Keep up with exercise
  • Utilize relaxation strategies
  • Play peaceful music
  • Engage in mindfulness
  • Light walking to more strenuous exercise is a great way to get in a routine and enrich your health
  • Be outside on nice days and get fresh air
  • Sit out on a deck or patio, Breathe in the fresh air and try some relaxing exercises
  • Have time scheduled for fun activities
  • Limit Screen time
  • Brightness drains your battery and can lead to headaches
  • Limit Screen time before bed (e.g. phone and TV) it’s been shown to hurt sleep health
  • Put on blue light blockers or use blue light blocking glasses; These can be helpful in filtering out bad light that may lead to sleeplessness, headaches, and strain on your eyes