Guest: Mary Margaret Scharf
Mary Margaret suffered a traumatic brain injury in 2010, attacked at home after serving her husband with divorce papers. The accomplished attorney faced a brutal assailant – her husband, a former Deputy White House Counsel. Following a terrorizing series of assaults that left her dying, she managed to flee the family home with her two young daughters who were sleeping just down the hall. Her ex-husband is now imprisoned for attempted murder. Mary Margaret has become an advocate speaking out against domestic violence, urging society to become intolerant of domestic violence and hold abusers accountable for their actions.
Date: 11/30/22
Duration: 39:54

Guest: Mary Margaret Scharf
Mary Margaret suffered a traumatic brain injury in 2010, attacked at home after serving her husband with divorce papers. The accomplished attorney faced a brutal assailant – her husband, a former Deputy White House Counsel. Following a terrorizing series of assaults that left her dying, she managed to flee the family home with her two young daughters who were sleeping just down the hall. Her ex-husband is now imprisoned for attempted murder. Mary Margaret has become an advocate speaking out against domestic violence, urging society to become intolerant of domestic violence and hold abusers accountable for their actions.
Date: 11/30/22
Duration: 40:04

Guest: Maureen O’Neil Brown, M.S., OTR/L
Maureen is a registered, licensed Occupational Therapist with over 20 years of experience working with individuals and their families to return to meaningful activity following cognitive injury or illness. With a holistic and functional approach, Maureen works collaboratively with clients and their team to problem solve, educate, and create individualized plans based upon the specific goals of individuals and their families.
Date: 10/20/22
Duration: 38:10

Guest: Davison Chapman
Davison was born with a heart defect, then his Dad had leukemia and heart failure and survived both, then Davison and his Mom were hit by a truck 3 years ago that resulted in Davison’s TBI. This is a lot to handle for a young life. But survive he did, and is a fantastic young man with many dreams to fulfill.
It was an absolute pleasure to talk with Davison and his Mom, Blake. Davison had his Mom fill in the blanks when I asked him about the horrific accident that was caused by a truck, full force, in a school crosswalk. They talk about Davison’s occupational, physical, cognative and emotional therapies. And most importantly, I asked him about his return to high school and his dreams to be a teacher like his Mom and his application to Longwood College. I know you will agree, he is one fine gentleman.
Date: 8/03/22
Duration: 39:35

Guest: Spencer Bishins
Spencer Bishins has a master’s degree from the London School of Economics, and a law degree from Florida State University. After law school, he worked in the private sector for two years prior to joining the Social Security Administration (SSA) in 2010. He worked at the Appeals Council for almost four years, reviewing thousands of disability decisions for compliance with SSA’s complex rules and procedures. He then worked at the hearing level for seven years, where he drafted almost 2,000 decisions for SSA Administrative Law Judges. After working for SSA for more than 10 years, he wanted to help demystify the complicated disability system. His first book, Social Security Disability Revealed: Why it’s so hard to access benefits and what you can do about it, explores the obstacles that disability claimants face as they try to access benefits.
Date: 7/25/22
Duration: 33:08

Guest: Maureen Miller
Listen to Maureen Miller talk about Craniosacral therapy (CST) and it’s application for relieving chronic pain. CST is a gentle hands-on technique that uses a light touch to examine membranes and movement of the fluids in and around the central nervous system. Relieving tension in the central nervous system promotes a feeling of well-being by eliminating pain and boosting health and immunity. Learn what studies show about the central nervous system and recovery.
Date: 7/12/22
Duration: 27:06

Guest: Candace
Candace joined the amazing Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania (BIAPA) conference on June 28th and interviewed 4 participants: a survivor, a caregiver, a presenter and exhibitor. Each were asked “Why should survivors and their families go to a brain injury conference”. Everyone agreed… you will find a loving community, learn about services and hear powerful speakers that will help in your journey to recovery. Look for a Brain Injury Association or Mind Your Brain conference in your area and know you are not alone!
Date: 7/12/22
Duration: 17:14

Guest: Katya Bowen
Katya is a speech language pathologist and certified brain injury specialist in Western Massachusetts. She has worked in the clinical setting for 20 years, treating patients with acquired and traumatic brain injury.
Berkshire Health Systems – Berkshire Medical Center Katya Bowen https://www.mbsimp.com/clinicians.cfm
The topic is: What is the difference between a speech language pathologist and speech pathologist?
Date: 6/27/22
Duration: 36:30

Guest: Dr. Keith Robinson
He is a specialist in neurological rehabilitation. Dr. Robinson is an Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Perelman School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and the Chief of Rehabilitation at the Corporal Michael J. Crescenz Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Philadelphia. He developed and leads the Polytrauma Network Site for the Veterans Integrated Service Network-4, this being the program that is the regional consultant for veterans who have sustained traumatic brain injuries and other acquired brain injuries from all combat and military eras.
Date: 6/21/22
Duration: 45:14

Guest: Stacia Bissell
Stacia Bissell, M.Ed. is a brain injury coach, educator, public speaker and survivor. She specializes in helping others find personal and professional growth relating to brain injury. Passionate about education, Stacia spent much of her career as a secondary math teacher until taking on roles in administration and academic coaching. In 2011, she became a licensed middle and high school principal with aspirations of running her own school in the near future, however, a bicycle accident that same year left her with a traumatic brain injury and her career as a public school educator came to an end. With support from her Speech Language Pathologist, the Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts (BIA-MA), friends and family, Stacia began focusing her attention on helping the brain injury community. Stacia has written about her post-TBI journey featured in Brain Injury HOPE Magazine, and is a Program Leader for LoveYourBrain. She was co-founder of the Northampton, MA brain injury support group, and was instrumental in the creation of the Berkshire Brain Injury Collaborative in Massachusetts that was designed to provide professional development to teachers on “return-to-learn” strategies after a student suffers from a concussion, and which has now become part of the BIA-MA. Stacia is an established coach and mentor to other survivors and caregivers (www.TBIMentor.com) offering a service designed to help promote hope, healing and forward movement. Stacia is a native of Berkshire County in Western Massachusetts. She has three grown children living in Virginia, Colorado and Vermont.
Date: 6/13/22
Duration: 38:59

Guest: Dr. Claire McGrath
Dr. McGrath is the Clinical Director of Bancroft NeuroRehab where she directs the clinical treatment of individuals with acquired brain injury across Bancroft NeuroRehab’s 3 sites in New Jersey. Dr. McGrath is a Board Certified Clinical Neuropsychologist and she has been providing rehabilitation treatment and neuropsychological testing for individuals with brain injuries, stroke, dementia and other neurologic conditions for 20 years. Dr. McGrath lectures at a number of colleges and universities in the Philadelphia area, she is the co-director of BNR’s postdoctoral neuropsychology program, and she supervises licensed psychologists, licensed social workers, and trainees in neuropsychology and rehabilitation psychology. Prior to working at Bancroft, Dr. McGrath was the supervising neuropsychologist at MossRehab in Philadelphia where she treated individuals with traumatic brain injury, stroke, and other acquired neurologic injuries.
Date: 6/2/22
Duration: 35:19

Guest: Gwenn Fried
Gwenn has over 25 years’ experience as a horticultural therapist, garden curator and manager. She focuses on development of horticultural therapy programs and garden spaces in hospitals, schools, outpatient, vocational and community facilities. She lectures internationally and has been published multiple times, most recently in “The Principles and Practice of Horticultural Therapy”. Gwenn served on the board of directors of the Mid Atlantic Horticultural Therapy Network (MAHTN) and on the board of the American Horticultural Therapy Association and currently sits on the board of Directors of Metro Hort Group in NYC. Gwenn lives and gardens in New Jersey with her extended family and three dogs.
Date: 5/28/22
Duration: 36:45

Guest: Sydney R. Hinds
Dr. Hinds is a recently retired United States Army officer with over 30 years of military medicine experience. He is a neurologist and nuclear medicine physician who most recently served as the DoD Brain Health Research Coordinator for the DoD Blast Injury Research Coordinating Office and as the Medical Advisor to the Principal Assistant for Research and Technology (PAR&T), Medical Research.
While deployed to Afghanistan, Col. Hinds served as the theater neurology consultant and oversaw standardization of concussion care and 11 concussion care centers which included MRI utilization. Performing site visits allowed him to ensure that staff had appropriate training, education, and resources. He reviewed cases, shared best practices, promoted in-theater TBI research, worked with theater providers to identify and close gaps inpatient care, and provided valuable information which shaped DoD TBI policy.
Date: 5/20/22
Duration: 24:16

Guest: Dr. Emily Kalambaheti
Dr. Emily Kalambaheti DC, DACNB, FACFN, FMHC is a lead clinician at PlasticityⓇ Centers of Denver. ”Dr. K” has extensive training in functional neurology and clinical neuroscience from the Carrick Institute, is a certified Functional Medicine Hyperbaric Clinician, a diplomate on the American Board of Chiropractic Neurology, and a Fellow of the American College of Functional Neurology. Since being hand-selected to serve on the PlasticityⓇ clinical team in 2016, she has had the opportunity to help clients with hundreds of unique conditions gain a better functional status and quality of life. She also enjoys presenting on neurodevelopment and neuroplasticity to physicians, clients, and families across North America.
Email – EKalambaheti@PlasticityBrainCenters.com
Website – https://www.plasticitycenters.com/
Date: 5/07/22
Duration: 36:50

Guest: Jennifer Robinson
Jennifer received her Bachelor of Arts from Haverford College and her law degree from Villanova School of Law. She holds certifications in Event Planning, Non-Profit Management, Social Media Marketing, Diversity & Inclusion, Hospitality & Tourism and Conflict Resolution. She is also a certified virtual presenter. Jennifer lives outside Philadelphia, PA with her husband Walter and their two rescue dogs, Jake and Lilly.
Date: 4/27/22
Duration: 26:31

Guest: Mattie Cummins, LCSW
Mattie Cummins, LCSW, is a social worker and journey coach who specializes in empowering people with anxiety, brain injury, chronic pain, and other neurological issues to find their best life.
Mattie is the host of the weekly video show ‘Calming the Chaos’ where she breaks apart the myths and stigma surrounding mental illness and supports survivors with brain, body, and faith-based strategies to move forward and thrive.
She has over 20 years of experience working with people with varying neurological issues and specializes in the grief/loss process, adjustments to life changes, and coping with anxiety.
Through brain education, assessing function, and helping people understand how their own personal “stuff” affects their relationships and their lives, she empowers people to find their new normal and make it their own!
Date: 4/22/22
Duration: 29:19

Guest: Dr. Haresh Sampathkumar
Dr. Haresh Sampathkumar is the co-founder of JH Rehabilitation, in Chennai, India. He completed his medical training at Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute and completed a one-year Internal Medicine Internship in 2014 at Unity Health System, Rochester, NY and three years of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation training in 2017 at New York Medical College/Metropolitan Hospital Center, New York. He then completed a one-year fellowship in Brain Injury Medicine in 2018 at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston/TIRR Memorial Hermann, Houston, Texas (ranked within the top 5 best rehabilitation hospital in the U.S.).
Dr. Sampathkumar tells us how and why our sexuality changes after a brain injury and how to bring up this topic up with your physician.
Date: 4/19/22
Duration: 35:12

Guest: Jon Macaskill
Jon Macaskill is a retired Navy SEAL Commander turned mindfulness and meditation teacher and co-host of the Men Talking Mindfulness podcast. He says mindfulness and meditation are life saving practices – as he feels they saved his – and now it’s his duty and obligation to share these practices with as many people as will listen. He was born in South Africa and moved with his parents and 4 siblings to the US when he was 7. He grew up in Ruston, Louisiana where he was an avid track and cross country runner. After graduating high school, he served briefly as an enlisted sailor in the Navy before receiving an appointment to the US Naval Academy. Jon has served in Iraq, Afghanistan, off the coast of Somalia, and in Panama.
Listen to Jon tell how Mindful Mediation, recommended by the Navy, led him out of despair and discouragement into a passion for helping people and organizations become the best versions of themselves through mindfulness.
Date: 4/12/22
Duration: 30:30

Brain Injury Awareness Day
The purpose of the Brain Injury Awareness Day is to educate members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly on the needs of Brain Injury Survivors. Participants at the rally visited both the House of Representatives and Senate offices and encouraged their legislators to join the Brain Injury Caucus and vote YES to bills that improve the lives of their fellow brain injury survivors and their families. This Brain Injury Awareness Day podcast was recorded live in Harrisburg Pennsylvania in Senator Timothy Kearney office. On the call is Senator Kearney, the 2 organizers of the event (both brain injury survivors) Kevin MacDonald and Melissa Carmen, Drew A. Nagele, PsyD, CBIST, FACRM, Ann Marie McLaughlin the Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania President and myself. I asked this group why advocating for brain injury survivors is important.
#TBI#TBIawareness #sentimkearney#MoreThanMyBrainInjury#braininjury
Date: 4/4/22
Duration: 18:31

Guest: Scott Dillman
Scott is the co-founder of Fitness Trainers in Malvern, PA and the Founder of The Fighting Back Program. He received this BA in Psychology from Furman University and his MBA from Villanova University. Also important for everyone to know is that his is a retired Major from United States Army, and has 20 plus years experience in the health and fitness industry. Listen to Scott’s wisdom and encouragment to get your fitness groove on again.
Learn more about Fitness Trainers at https://fitnesstrainersinc.com/ and The Fighting Back Scholarship program https://www.fightingbacksp.org/
Date: 3/30/22
Duration: 25:19

Guest: Sabrina Mele
Sabrina Mele, PT, DPT received her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from University of Sciences in Philadelphia in 2010 and has worked at Good Shepherd Penn Partners’, the formal rehabilitation provider for Penn Medicine, University City location for the past 8 years where she currently works with patients with both central and peripheral vestibular and neurologic dysfunction. She recently became Brain Injury Certified this July 2021 after working closely with patients with brain injury and their families to manage their everyday symptoms so that they can live fuller, brighter lives. Sabrina, a past workshop presenter and now on the Mind Your Brain Committee for the past two years, looks forward to this upcoming conference in March 2022! She is very much looking forward to discussing the topic of “Using Habituation Exercises to Identify and to Help Manage Persistent Dizziness” on the MYBF Podcast!
Date: 3/18/22
Duration: 24:27

Guest: Dr. Ben Abramoff
Join us today for my COVID Brain Fog discussion with Dr. Ben Abramoff who is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Director of the Post-COVID Assessment and Recovery Clinic at the Perelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Abramoff received his BS in Life Science Communication from Cornell University, his MS in Health and Rehabilitation- Specialization in Health Education from Ohio State University School of Health and Rehabilitative Services, and his Medical Degree from Ohio State University College of Medicine.
Feeling “spacy” or confused, feeling fatigued, thinking more slowly than usual, and needing more time to complete simple tasks…does this sound like a brain injury? Yes, and it is brain fog too. Dr. Abramoff shares with us this new Post -COVID medical concentration and what the Penn Clinic does to help these patients.
Date: 3/12/22
Duration: 34:08

Guest: Donnie Hart
Donnie Hart is a former professional wrestler and collegiate football player, who in 2014 after the tragic mysterious death of his brother saw his dream turn into a nightmare as his mental health deteriorated and he found himself in a dark place that led him to losing it all and being locked up facing life in prison. But against all odds, rock bottom became the concrete launching pad for him to take his life back. Through the healing process he learned the effects head injuries had on his behavior, including multiple concussions and head trauma caused from surviving a near fatal car accident that fractured most of the bones in his face, and leg and left him having to crawl 2 hrs to find help. In 2020 he cofounded Hungry 4 Hope, a podcast and Nonprofit dedicated to spreading inspiration, giving Hope to the hopeless and helping those in need.
Date: 2/8/22
Duration: 42:34

Guest: Dr. Therese Richmond
Listen to the wise words of Dr. Therese S. Richmond PhD, RN, FAAN, Andrea B. Laporte Professor of Nursing and Associate Dean for Research & Innovation at the University of Pennsylvania. She describes how her nursing career intersects with the brain injury community, which then leads us into a discussion about how the psychological effect of trauma impacts recovery. The highlight of the interview comes with sugestions on “what can brain injury survivors do themselves to improve (quality) their outcomes?”
Penn Injury Science Center www.penninjuryscience.org
Date: 1/18/22
Duration: 34:15

Guest: Dr. Bavishi
Dr. Bavishi Assistant Professor – Clinical for Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and College of Medicine describes to us the possible role Acupuncture plays in recovery from a brain injury. It is a traditional Chinese practice primarily used to treat chronic pain but has proven efficacy in relieving anxiety, depression, and insomnia in tramatic brain injury survivors. Learn about the facts of this treatment; how long does it take, does it hurt, how often do you need to have this procedure done?
Date: 1/10/22
Duration: 41:40

Guest: Ian Panter
Metro Detroit community rallies around man involved in crash after Tough Mudder was the headline on the WXYZ Detroit ABC evening news on May 23, 2017.
Listen as Ian Panter shares about his endurance events, his car accident and recovery from a traumatic brain injury. His story of survival is one of a Phoenix rising up from the “mud.” He uses his time to continue competition, give back to the TBI community and be with friends and family as much as he can. Listen to Ian’s story of hope and dedication to wellness – as he likes to say “Every day above the roses is a good day.”
Date: 8/24/21
Duration: 32:08

Guest: Nicole Rudderow
Nicole Rudderow is a clinical psychotherapist at Blossom Counseling and Wellness LLC, a private practice that offers a variety of counseling services to clients of all ages. Nicole is also an active member of Comfort Caring Canine “CCC”, a non-profit and completely volunteer run therapy dog organization based in southeastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware area. With her expertise in mental health, Nicole offers a unique perspective when volunteering with her therapy dog Paisley as well as using Animal Assisted Therapies (AAT) in her practice.
Date: 8/17/21
Duration: 20:53

Guest: Matthew Bernardo
Today our guest is Matthew Bernardo. Matt has extensive experience working with individuals diagnosed with various neurological conditions, with a specialty in visual, vestibular, and perceptual rehabilitation. He has presented to various healthcare professionals and students on the topic of vision rehab, TBI, and how concussion and TBI can impact a person’s ability to engage in daily activities. Matthew graduated from Thomas Jefferson University with a master’s degree in occupational therapy and is currently working on his doctorate from the same institution. He has 11 years of experience in physical rehabilitation and has worked across the spectrum of care, including acute care, inpatient, home heath, and outpatient rehabilitation. Matt is currently working at the Drucker Brain Injury Center at Moss Rehab in an outpatient center.
You will hear about functional vision rehabilitation and vision disturbances from Matt and how to pace yourself to achieve the greatest benefit from the time you spend with a therapist.
Date: 8/10/21
Duration: 25:01

Guest: Dr. David Thomas
Today we are talking with Dr. David J. Thomas. Dr. Thomas has been at West Chester University since the beginning of 2020 and has been in the field of disability advocacy and support for more than a decade. Before coming to West Chester and alongside his disability work, he was a member of the English faculties at Temple University, University of the Arts, Virginia Wesleyan University, Old Dominion University and City University of Seattle.
He holds a Ph.D. in Higher Education, an M.A. in Applied Linguistics, and a B.A. in Dramaturgy from Old Dominion University in his hometown of Norfolk, VA. He completed additional graduate work at the Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute at Stanford University and the Institute on Disability at Temple University.
Today Dr. Thomas tells us about the services his office provides to college students: he works with students and their instructors directly to provide an optimal environment to further their education despite any limitations they may have. His dedication to the disabled student is truly admirable!
Date: 8/3/21
Duration: 30:57

Guest: Patrick Berton
In episode 34, we talked to Pattiann Berton from Impacted Inc. about the brain injury her son sustained while playing football. Today her son, Patrick, will tell us about his story of tragedy, survival, and resilience. Where is Patrick today and how has he found light in the darkest of his days? Find out in episode 47 of our podcast series.
Date: 7/27/21
Duration: 33:05

Guest: Madison Beauregard
On January 1, 2018, Maddie was playing ice hockey at home with her family after her third semester on The University of Vermont’s D1 Women’s Club Ice Hockey Team. She was hit on the ice and sustained a concussion. Five days later, she passed out and hit her head on the tile floor, giving her a second concussion. She tried returning to college twice, but wasn’t healing at the pace her doctor expected her to. Maddie had to medically withdraw from her beloved University of Vermont two semesters in a row, which broke her spirit.
Tune in to hear her story about her struggles with chronic migraines, vision disruption, course material comprehension, depression, and Dysautonomia.
She is now a Summer Intern at Mind Your Brain Foundation, studies at West Chester University with a major in Psychology, and is a member of the International Honors Society in Psychology, Psi Chi. She will graduate college in December, and hopes to pursue a career helping people with brain injuries!
Date: 7/20/21
Duration: 27:30

Guest: Patti Andrich
Today we will hear from Patti Andrich from the Board of the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association (NORA). She will discuss optimal visual rehabilitation services that can improve the quality of life of patients affected by physical or cognitive disabilities after brain injury.
For more information about NORA, visit: www.noravisionrehab.org
Patti is an internationally honored occupational, vision therapist, researcher, and author. She is known worldwide for her success in treating children and adults with sensory and motor processing disorders. Patti received her master’s degree from The Ohio State University College of Education and her occupational therapy degree from the Cleveland State University Department of Health Sciences. Additionally, Patti holds certifications in vision therapy, auditory processing, primitive reflex integration, and neurofeedback. Patti received her certification in vision therapy through the College of Optometrists in Vision Development. Patti serves on several advisory boards relating to vision in the United States and in Asia. She is also a member of The Optometric Extension Program, and an Advisory Member to the Board of the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association (NORA), an interdisciplinary group of professionals dedicated to providing patients who have physical or cognitive disabilities as a result of an acquired brain injury with optimal visual rehabilitation services to improve their quality of life. Patti Andrich is the founder of the Reflex Foundations Program, a neuro-sensory motor program that helps adults and children integrate active primitive reflexes and gain postural stability. Patti specializes in improving the lives of individuals with attention, behavioral, coordination, visual, auditory, anxiety, vestibular and/or emotional regulation challenges. Patti was named, Vision Therapist of the Year 2020, by the international organization, College of Optometrists in Vision Development.
Date: 7/13/21
Duration: 29:32

Guest: Matthew Barrett
Learn about the Virtual Reality (VR) Program being implemented at Success Rehabilitation in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, from Cognitive Technology Specialist, Matthew Barrett. The goal of this VR program is to combine cognitive therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy skills to provide clientele with a full-body experience within a safe environment.
In this interview, Matthew will tell us about how this new technology works, what kind of therapies can be offered, and what the future holds.
Matthew Barrett is a CBIS and Technology Specialist at Success Rehabilitation Inc (SRI). He has worked at SRI for over ten years working as a Cognitive Technology Therapist and recently began exploring the implications of Virtual Reality (VR) within Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Rehabilitation.
Date: 7/6/21
Duration: 34:45

Guest: Dr. Sally Foster-Chang
The Institute for Cognitive Prosthetics (ICP) offers a telehealth modality of cognitive rehabilitation that creates an active relationship between the patient, the therapist and technology. In episode 43, we hear from Dr. Sally Foster-Chang, Chief Medical Officer for ICP, to learn about how this computer technology rehabilitation works and how it is customized to support patient outcomes.
For more information about ICP, visit: https://brain-rehab.com/
Dr. Foster-Chang has over 35 years of experience in occupational health (OH) and primary care. A clinical nurse practitioner, she worked nationally with the VA as an administrator of the OH electronic medical record, developed a comprehensive national clinical OH orientation program and served as a virtual consultant with the National Occupational and Environmental Medicine consult group. She has published articles and book chapters on various topics. She holds a BA in Human Biology (Stanford University), BSN (UCSF), a masters in Primary Care (University of Pennsylvania) and a Doctorate in Nursing Practice (Thomas Jefferson University). She is a certified adult nurse practitioner, a COHN-S, a CME and holds a post master’s certificate in teaching from the University of Pennsylvania. For the past year, she has functioned as the Chief Medical Officer for The Institute for Cognitive Prosthetics, an organization dedicated to the use of telehealth in brain injury rehabilitation.
Date: 6/29/21
Duration: 24:14

Guest: Trisha Meili
In 1989, Trisha Meili was viciously attacked, leaving her with extensive injuries, 80 percent blood loss and a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Doctors didn’t think she would survive, but Trisha did more than survive – she thrived. In this episode, we will hear Trisha’s heart wrenching story and the three factors that kept her motivated through her long recovery: support, hope, and inspiration.
During this interview, Trisha Meili speaks about her involvement with the Achilles International Organization: a running, walking and wheeling program for people with all types of disabilities. To learn more about Achilles International, visit: www.achillesinternational.org
Date: 6/22/21
Duration: 39:15

Guest: Nicholas Hope
Today we will hear from Nicholas Hope, who is currently doing a research fellowship with the Mind Your Brain Foundation. In this interview, he will share the research he is conducting on ways of providing resources to patients and caregivers following brain injury and how it will improve recovery.
Nicholas Hope is a 4th year doctoral student at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic medicine studying clinical psychology with a specific focus in neuropsychology. He has worked in a wide range of settings including academic medical centers, rehabilitation hospitals, outpatient brain injury programs, and private institutions. He is passionate about diagnosing and assisting patients who have sustained brain injuries to be their most successful selves. His research with the Mind Your Brain Foundation has looked at ways of providing resources to patients and caregivers following injury, with a specific focus on various levels of care and needs and hopes to build off of these resources in the future.
Date: 6/14/21
Duration: 22:28

Guest: Meaghan Wright
Short Description: Have you tried meditation as a tool for improving cognition? In episode 40 of our series, we talk to Meaghan Wright from NeuroRestorative about the benefits of meditation and mindfulness after a brain injury. We will learn about how it can improve cognition and what research says about it changing our overall brain structure.
In addition to providing us with a 5 minute guided meditation, Meaghan will wrap up with recommendations on resources and applications we can use.
Meaghan Wright has been working in the field of neurological impairment for over thirty years, serving in a variety of roles as a cognitive rehabilitation therapist (CRT), clinical case manager, and administrator. She has worked with interdisciplinary teams in community-based services serving individuals in their home, work, and school settings, as well as in medical and neurobehavioral group home settings. She is certified as a Brain Injury Specialist Trainer by the Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists and has been affiliated with the Society of Cognitive Rehabilitation. She has presented nationally and statewide on such topics as: Overcoming Cognitive Dysfunction for Vocational Success; Removing Barriers to Successful Community Integration; Intimacy and Relationships after BI; and Exploring Meditation and Mindfulness-Techniques and Resources for Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy. Meaghan also has served on the Montgomery County, PA Brain Steps team since 2011. Brain Steps has been recognized by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as a national model for educational consultation in acquired brain injury services, supporting students and school teams in the development and implementation of services. Meaghan’s special area of interest is in helping individuals learn ways to deal with stress, and to develop greater awareness of their capabilities.
Date: 6/8/21
Duration: 30:35

Guest: Colleen Baratka
Short Description: Today we will hear from Colleen Baratka, who was in clinical practice for over 30 years before she suffered from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in 2015. After her recovery, Colleen began co-leading a TBI support group and now works part time for a private practice where she works with her clients on psychodrama as a form of therapy.
In this episode, we will hear about Colleen’s story, learn about psychodrama, and the adaptations she has made post injury and post pandemic.
For more information about the TBI support group, email: pcstbi.mail@gmail.com
Colleen Baratka, MA TEP is a Fellow of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama and winner of the Hannah Weiner Award for a lifetime of service. Beginning her career as a Special Education teacher which led her use of creative arts to teach special needs and disenfranchised children, Colleen graduated from NYU’s Drama Therapy program and has been in clinical practice for over 30 years. Beginning her clinical work in addiction and family prevention, Colleen had the opportunity to create Psychodrama and Trauma programming at two psychiatric hospitals . She has served as the psychodrama trainer for the Caron Foundation’s Family Education Program and would later integrate this work into her Renfrew experience running multiple family groups of up to about 100 people. Colleen is published on the topics of trauma and eating disorders and had been guest lecturing at many local universities, organizations and treatment centers. In August 2015 while walking out of PT for a concussion, Colleen was struck by a car and suffered another more severe TBI. It was then that she began co-leading a TBI group with her colleague Deborah Karner in late 2017. Most recently Colleen has begun a study into traumatic brain injuries and trauma, and the role spontaneity plays in recovery. She is also now working towards becoming a Certified Brain Injury Specialist.
Date: 6/1/21
Duration: 33:53

Guest: Michelle Munt
Short Description: In December of 2014, Michelle Munt was involved in a car accident while driving to work which caused a diffuse axonal brain injury that was not properly diagnosed for over a year. The traumatic brain injury (TBI) left Michelle with speech difficulties, emotional regulation problems, and memory loss, all of which she faced while her mother passed away and father was diagnosed with Alzheimers. During this time, she was also her father’s legal guardian.
In this emotional and honest discussion, Michelle will tell us about her perspective as both a TBI survivor and caregiver for her father.
Michelle will also tell us about her work now as a freelance blogger in Britain and the support and advocacy she provides to the TBI community.
To learn more about Michelle Munt, visit her on Instagram: @michelle_munt and read her blogs: www.jumbledbrain.com
Date: 5/25/21
Duration: 36:57

Guest: Ethan F. Abramowitz, Esq.
Short Description: Today we will hear from Ethan F. Abramowitz, a nationally recognized disability insurance attorney and a partner at Seltzer & Associates. During this episode, he will give us an overview of the disability insurance claims process, and the difference between private policies and ones that are provided by an employer as part of the benefits package. Mr. Abramowitz will also tell us how to find someone to help us through this process.
For more information about disability insurance and to find out how to contact Ethan Abramowitz from Seltzer & Associates, visit: https://www.seltzerlegal.com/
Ethan F. Abramowitz is an Associate with Seltzer & Associates. Mr. Abramowitz concentrates his practice on the representation of impaired professionals, with a focus on disability insurance contracts, long-term disability plans, ERISA, employee benefits, and insurance bad faith.
Prior to joining Seltzer & Associates, Mr. Abramowitz was an Associate with Kirwan, Spellacy, and Danner, P.A., a full-service defense litigation firm representing insurance companies throughout the State of Florida. Mr. Abramowitz has an extensive background in the insurance claims process, including pre-suit investigations, advising claim specialists, and counseling insurance companies’ in-house counsel. Mr. Abramowitz has litigated a wide variety of insurance, liability, and class action matters. Moreover, Mr. Abramowitz has an extensive background conducting insurance fraud investigations, including multiple projects with the Special Investigation Units of the nation’s largest insurance companies.
Date: 5/18/21
Duration: 31:06

Guest: Dr. Randel Swanson
Short Description: In this episode, Dr. Randel Swanson, Physiatrist from the University of Pennsylvania, will explain why traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivors are at an increased risk of developing age related cognitive decline and what can be done to approach risk mitigation to deal with this issue. In addition, Dr. Swanson will provide evidence based research to find out more about how to maximize brain health.
Please see below for resources:
Dietary Guidelines, 2020-2025: https://health.gov/our-work/
Physical Activity Guidelines: https://health.gov/our-work/
Dr. Swanson is a board-certified Physiatrist, with sub-specialty certification in Brain Injury Medicine. Dr. Swanson’s clinical practice centers on the Neurological Rehabilitation of patients with Acquired Brain Injury, both at Penn and within the VA’s Polytrauma/TBI System of Care. His goal is to assist patients in achieving optimal return of neurological function following all forms of Brain Injury (including Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Anoxic Brain Injury, Cerebral Vascular Accidents (Stroke), Brain Tumors, Movement Disorders and Neurodegenerative Disorders) through a combination of clinical practice and scientific research. Dr. Swanson also runs a research laboratory within the VA’s Center for Neurotrauma, Neurodegeneration and Restoration (CNNR), and is a member of Penn’s Center for Brain Injury and Repair (CBIR).
Date: 5/11/21
Duration: 32:41

Guest: Bridget Lowery
Short Description: In these challenging times of the pandemic, digital information and communication technologies to access health care services remotely, known as telehealth, has been rapidly growing. In this episode, Bridget Lowery from NeuroRestorative will tell us about this new delivery of cognitive rehab through telehealth. She will explain it’s benefits and difficulties from the perspective of both a patient and provider, and how to get help from providers as telehealth continues to evolve.
Bridget Lowery has been working in the field of Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy for over 35 years in both the acute rehabilitation hospital and home, and community based settings. She has been working as the Clinical Director at NeuroRestorative PA’s Main Line program for over 30 years, where her services are provided in the home of the person being served. She is certified as a Brain Injury Specialist Trainer. She serves on various boards and committees, including the state Brain Injury Coalition, the state’s Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Board through the Department of Health, and she is the co-chair of the Rehabilitation and Community Providers Association Brain Injury Committee.
If you need help with the application process, please see the resources below:
Mark Cola from NeuroRestorative, PA:
Phone: 215-388-4855
Email: Mark.Cola@neurorestorative.com
NeuroResource Facilitation Program: 866-412-4755
To apply for Medicaid, call: 1-866-550-4355
Date: 5/4/21
Duration: 33:27

Guest: Pattiann Berton
Short Description: In this episode we will hear from Pattiann Berton, a wife, former teacher, and a mother of four boys. After her eldest son, Patrick, sustained a brain injury while playing football, Pattiann was challenged with accepting the long term effects of a childhood injury. She will share her son’s story and tell us how she learned to manage this new normal without giving up hope. She will also tell us about Impacted, Inc., an organization that her husband and she founded that is dedicated to spreading awareness, education, support and advocacy for children who suffer from the effects of concussions.
To learn about Impacted Inc., visit: https://impactedinc.org/about/
Date: 4/27/21
Duration: 29:49

Guest: Dr. Leah Blain
Short Description: The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at the University of Pennsylvania provides high quality mental health care for veterans, military members, and their families at no cost. In this episode, Dr. Leah Blain, the Clinic Director, will discuss the intersection of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and combating the stigma in the military community. Dr. Blain will conclude with an overview of all the resources available.
To learn more about The Cohen Clinic at Penn or to schedule an appointment, visit: www.pennmedicine.org/veterans or call 844-573-3146
Dr. Leah Blain is the Clinic Director of the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Penn, and her clinical work focuses on trauma-recovery and working with survivors of assault, abuse, and combat on issues including depression, guilt and shame, anger, dissociation, and PTSD. Dr. Blain earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, from the University of Missouri – St. Louis, where she conducted research in the effectiveness of Cognitive. Processing Therapy (CPT) for PTSD. During her postdoctoral fellowship at the VA Maryland Healthcare System, she trained in Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE); Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) for depression, anxiety and panic disorder, and chronic pain; and mindfulness-based interventions. She previously served veterans and military families as Director of Behavioral Health at Chase Brexton Health Care’s Columbia Center.
Date: 4/20/21
Duration: 30:42

Guest: Dr. Stephen Hampton
Short Description: Have you experienced difficulties with sleeping after a brain injury? Today, we will hear from Dr. Stephen Hampton from Penn Medicine to learn about why sleep patterns can be disrupted after a brain injury and how we can improve the quality of sleep.
Stephen Hampton, MD is an Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at the University of Pennsylvania. His clinical practice focuses on the care of individuals with severe brain injury primarily in the acute hospital and inpatient rehabilitation settings. His responsibilities also include education of medical students, residents, and fellows. He completed medical school at the University of Texas Medical Center at Houston, residency and fellowship at Rutgers – New Jersey Medical School and joined the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania in 2017.
Date: 4/13/21
Duration: 20:22

Guest: Dr. Donna Radl
Short Description: In this episode, we will learn about art therapy from Dr. Donna Radl, Co-Founder of Expressive Counseling Associates. As an art therapist, she discusses the benefits of art in improving cognitive functions, fostering self-esteem and self-awareness, and how it can reduce and resolve conflicts and distress. She will also provide us with tools we can practice at home to improve our mental health.
Dr. Donna Radl is the Clinical Director and Co-Founder of Expressive Counseling Associates in Malvern, Pennsylvania. Dr. Radl specializes in anxiety disorders, working with trauma patients of all ages, using Art Therapy as one of her therapeutic tools. More recently, Dr. Radl has integrated Art Therapy with traditional Psychotherapy to help patients with brain injuries express themselves non-verbally.
To learn more about Expressive Counseling Associates, visit: https://
Date: 4/7/21
Duration: 28:02

Guest: Curtis Anderson
Short Description: Today we hear from Curtis Anderson, a traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivor, advocate, and motivational speaker. As a former bull rider, he suffered from a TBI 18 years ago when riding a bull at the Ponoka Stampede in Canada. In the few seconds that the bull collided with his head, his life was forever changed. Since then, his life has been an ongoing process of recovery and resilience. Today, he speaks to children, parents, and those in this industry to advocate helmet use in the sport.
To learn more about Curtis Anderson, check out his Instagram: @curtisanderson6
Date: 3/31/21
Duration: 24:07

Guest: Dr. Mijail Serruya
Short Description: In this episode, we hear from Dr. Mijail Serruya, neuroscientist and neurologist from Thomas Jefferson University who helped to develop the Jefferson Comprehensive Concussion Center and the Brain Health Program in Integrative Medicine. He will provide us with tips on how we can take control of our recovery and maximize brain health.
Brain Injury Support and Rehabilitation: http://www.remed.com
Fox Rehab: https://www.foxrehab.org/
Dr. Mijail Serruya is a neuroscientist and a neurologist. He completed undergraduate, medical school and neuroscience graduate school training at Brown University followed by training in neurology at the University of Pennsylvania. He is currently on the faculty at Thomas Jefferson University. He helped develop the Jefferson Comprehensive Concussion Center and the Executive Brain Health Program in Integrative Medicine. His research focuses on the development of wearable and implantable neurotechnology to help restore function in children and adults with neurological disease and injury.
Date: 3/23/21
Duration: 29:56

Guest: Megan Moyer
Short Description: Today we will hear from Megan Moyer who implemented the Penn Traumatic Brain Injury Support Group in 2017. In this interview, she will tell us about the purpose of the support group, the topic and format of the meetings, and why and how to attend.
Megan Moyer, MSN, ACNP-BC (Acute Care Nurse Practitioner – Board Certified), CNRN (Certified Neuroscience Registered Nurse) is a neuroscience nurse practitioner. She received her undergraduate degrees from Gwynedd Mercy University, Master’s in Nursing from Thomas Jefferson University and is a PhD candidate at Villanova University at the M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing. Megan formerly worked at Penn Medicine for 18 years in a variety of roles as a neuroscience nurse, a nurse practitioner in the Neurointensive care unit, and as a nurse practitioner within the traumatic brain injury clinical research initiative at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center at the University of Pennsylvania under the leadership of the primary investigator Ramon Diaz-Arrastia, MD, PhD. It was during this role that Megan implemented the Penn TBI support group in August 2017.
Date: 3/16/21
Duration: 33:36

Guest: Marie Moise
Short Description: Today we will hear from Marie Moise, Case Manager from Good Shepherd Penn Partners based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As a Case Manager, her goal is to educate and help people live comfortably at home by providing them with resources they may not be aware of. She will also discuss the role she plays in advocating for her patients.
Marie Moise is a Case Manager at Good Shepherd Penn Partners. She works with several lines of services such as brain injury, spinal cord injury, and stroke. She is a nurse by background and recently earned a master’s degree in nursing education.
Date: 3/9/21
Duration: 27:11

Guest: Marie Beattie
Short Description: In this episode, Candace Gantt speaks to Marie Beattie — the mother of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivor. Marie will begin by telling us about her daughter, Corey, and the tragic day that changed their lives in 2010. Marie will discuss the struggles and lifelong challenges she encounters as a loving caregiver. She will also tell us about the positive and creative ways in which she utilizes therapeutic techniques in day-to-day activities so her daughter can live a meaningful life despite her daily struggles. Beyond that, she will also discuss the advocacy she does for the brain injury community today.
To read more about Marie and Corey, visit: www.recoverythyme.com
Date: 3/2/21
Duration: 30:45

Guest: Dr. Ramon R. Diaz-Arrastia
Short Description: In Episode 25, we hear from Dr. Ramon R. Diaz-Arrastia, Professor of Neurology at the University of Pennsylvania. He discusses biological research regarding brain injury. Dr. Diaz-Arrastia also tells us about research projects that are currently being worked on, as well as what we can look forward to in the future.
Dr. Diaz-Arrastia is Professor of Neurology at the University of Pennsylvania, where he leads the Traumatic Brain Injury Clinical Research Initiative. Dr. Diaz-Arrastia received his MD and PhD degrees from Baylor College of Medicine, and completed post-graduate training at Harvard and Columbia. Prior to coming to Penn, he served on the faculty at the University of Texas Southwestern, the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, and the National Institute of Neurologic Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Dr. Diaz-Arrastia has published over 200 primary research papers, as well as over 40 invited reviews and book chapters. He has also served in several national committees related to traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, and dementia, convened by the Institute of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense, and the Veterans Administration. He was a member of the Institute of Medicine Committee on the Public Health Dimensions of the Epilepsies.
Date: 2/23/21
Duration: 31:24

Guest: Alex Merlino
Short Description: Today we will hear from Alex Merlino, speech language pathologist from Penn Therapy and Fitness, University City. As a certified brain injury specialist, she discusses the neurological based speech, language, cognitive, and swallowing disorders that brain injury survivors experience. Alex will also suggest compensatory strategies and restorative exercises that we can practice to help with cognitive challenges.
Date: 2/9/21
Duration: 26:04

Guest: Sonny Mullen
Short Description: Today we will learn about Help Hope Live from Outreach Manager, Sonny Mullen. This national, non-profit organization helps to facilitate fundraising for medical expenses not covered by insurance.
Date: 2/2/21
Duration: 21:20

Guest: General Donald C. Bolduc
Short Description: In this episode, we hear from General Donald C. Bolduc, a retired United States Army officer who led one of the first groups in Afghanistan after the tragic 9/11 attacks. After 33 years of active duty service, having suffered a helicopter crash and a 2000-pound bomb blast, he opens up about the post-traumatic stress (PTS) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) he later encountered. We will also hear his wife, Sharon, speak about the challenges she faced as a caretaker. Today, General Bolduc’s mission is to advocate for veterans and their families, the stigmas of PTS, TBI, and mental health which he will share with us.
General Bolduc is currently an Associate Professor at New England College, Doctoral Candidate at Grand Canyon University in Education with an emphasis in Leadership Development and Organizational Development, and an advisor of Operation Sea Daddy a Military Coaching and Social Networking to support transitioning service member to civilian life. He also serves on the Mind Your Brain Foundation Board to expand our advocacy to veterans and their families. General Bolduc currently resides in New Hampshire with his wife Sharon M. Bolduc.
Date: 1/26/21
Duration: 35:57

Guest: Dr. John Whyte
Short Description: Today we will hear from Dr. John Whyte, the founding director of the Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute. He will be discussing how research has guided current practices in brain injury treatment and recovery, as well as the goal of future research to further optimize care for severe brain injury survivors.
Dr. Whyte is a physiatrist and experimental psychologist who specializes in traumatic brain injury care and research. He is the founding director of the Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, launched in 1992, and continues there as Institute Scientist Emeritus. His research has focused on assessment, long-term outcome, and treatment interventions, particularly in severe brain injury. He is internationally known for his expertise in disorders of consciousness (DOC). His research to develop improved assessment techniques, demonstrate impressive long-term recovery, and demonstrate that various treatments can enhance outcomes have contributed to recently published guidelines that, for the first time, advocate for intensive multidisciplinary care for this population. His contributions to the field of brain injury research have resulted in numerous awards and election to the National Academy of Medicine in 2015.
Date: 1/19/21
Duration: 24:04

Guest: Dr. Christina Pettet
Short Description: Today we will hear from Dr. Christina Pettet, from Penn Therapy & Fitness in University City, Philadelphia, to learn about headache management. Headaches are the most reported symptom after a brain injury that can cause difficultly in carrying out daily activities. In this episode, we will learn about the different types of headaches that a person can experience. Dr. Pettet will provide recommendations for behavior changes and healthy habits that we can implement to help with managing headaches.
Christina Pettet is a physical therapist at Penn Therapy & Fitness, University City. She received her Doctor of Physical Therapy Degree from DeSales University in 2017. Christina holds a certification of competency in vestibular rehabilitation from Emory University. Her clinical expertise includes treatment of concussion/mild traumatic brain injury, headache/migraine and vestibular disorders where she utilizes an integrated multiple-system approach in collaboration with Penn Medicine and CHOP neurology.
How Posture and Sedentary May Impact Migraine: https://americanmigrainefoundation.org/resource-library/how-posture-impacts-migraine/
Date: 1/12/21
Duration: 23:09

Guest: Monica Vaccaro and Dr. Drew Nagele
Short Description: In the first episode of 2021, we will hear from Monica Vaccaro and Dr. Drew Nagele from the Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania to learn about the Brain Injury Ambassador Program. The goal of this program is to connect with families and caregivers of those affected by a brain injury to deliver a message of hope and help. Brain Injury Ambassadors are trained to visit rehabilitation facilities on a regular basis to meet and educate people about brain injury support and services they may need. Given the current COVID-19 restrictions, the Ambassador Program is still ongoing but is being held virtually. Listen to this podcast to learn more about this program and how you can get involved.
For additional information, visit: https://biapa.org/brain-injury-ambassador-program-launches/ OR call the brain injury resource line: 1-800-444-6443
Date: 1/5/21
Duration: 25:02

Guest: Matt Van Kirk
Short Description: In the final episode of 2020, we hear from Matt Van Kirk, a traumatic brain injury survivor and advocate. After opening up about the tragic accident that changed his life in 2013, he walks us through the stages of his recovery and why he feels blessed to be alive. Tune in to hear Matt’s story of resilience and drive, and how setting goals was a key contributor in his recovery.
As we conclude this year and begin a new one, listen to this episode to learn about how setting goals and celebrating accomplishments, both big and small, can help you in your own journey.
Connect with Matt on Instagram: @matthewvankirk2
Date: 12/29/20
Duration: 41:14

Guest: Dr. Lily Brown
Short Description: In order to take care of others, caregivers must take care of themselves first. In today’s interview with Dr. Lily Brown, Director of the Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety from the University of Pennsylvania, we will learn about the stress and anxiety a person may encounter in the role of a caregiver. We will also learn about skills and techniques that can be used to reduce stress levels while still providing care to loved ones.
Lily A. Brown, PhD is the Director of the Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety and an Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania. She is a licensed clinical psychologist, and her research focuses on anxiety and suicide prevention. Dr. Brown has over 50 scientific publications, several book chapters, and has been the recipient of several extramural grants from the National Institute of Health and the Department of Defense.
Date: 12/22/20
Duration: 28:22

Guest: Dr. Michael Keesler
Short Description: Today, we will hear from Dr. Michael Keesler from Fox and Fern Mental Health to learn about acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). This year more than ever, we are in situations beyond our control and ACT works to cultivate psychological flexibility so that we can control our thoughts and emotions. Listen to this episode to learn about how we can live harmoniously with our thoughts by incorporating ACT therapy in our lives.
Dr. Keesler is a clinical and forensic neuropsychologist practicing in Greater Philadelphia. He is affiliated with both Drexel University and the University of Pennsylvania, but owns and operates his own practice: Fox and Ferns Mental Health. Though classically trained in neuropsychological evaluation, the 2020 pandemic has seen more and more of Dr. Keesler’s work shifting away from forensic and clinical assessment and more into talk therapy as the demand is ever increasing. Dr. Keesler identifies as an “act” therapist.
To find out more about Fox and Fern Mental Health, visit: https://foxferns.com/
Resources mentioned by Dr. Keesler:
“The Reality Slap” by Russ Harris
To learn about self compassion, visit: www.self-compassion.org
Date: 12/15/20
Duration: 30:20

Guest: Dr. Thea Gallagher
Short Description: The holiday season can be a stressful and anxiety provoking time especially for those suffering from a brain injury. So, what can we do to better manage these situations? Today, we will hear from Dr. Thea Gallagher, Doctor of Psychology from Penn Medicine, to discuss the cause of anxiety during these times. We will also learn techniques and strategies we can use to reduce stress and make the holidays joyful.
Thea Gallagher, Psy.D., is an Assistant Professor and the Director of the Outpatient Clinic at the Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety (CTSA) in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Gallagher completed her Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Gallagher joined the CTSA in 2014 after the completion of her clinical internship at Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems. Clinically, Dr. Gallagher specializes in Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE) for PTSD, Exposure and Response (Ritual) Prevention (EX/RP) for OCD, and cognitive-behavioral treatments for social anxiety, panic disorder, specific phobias, and generalized anxiety.
Date: 12/8/20
Duration: 29:06

Guest: Al Mauriello
Short Description: In this episode, we will hear from Al Mauriello, a retired Ear, Nose, Throat and Head surgeon, who suffered a traumatic brain injury in 2019. During the interview, he discusses the numerous steps he has taken to get to where he is today. Listen to this doctor tell us why being patient and allowing your body to heal is one of the key factors in recovery.
Al Mauriello retired as a Ear, Nose and Throat surgeon after 40+ years in private practice. Since then, he has been active in providing volunteer medical care in West Chester, Pennsylvania.
Date: 12/7/20
Duration: 32:43

Guest: Dr. Ruth Shoge
Short Description: In episode 14, we hear from Dr. Ruth Shoge, from Pennsylvania College of Optometry, about the vision disorders and visual challenges brain injury survivors can encounter. She describes the benefits of vision therapy and offers vision exercises that we can practice from home.
Dr. Ruth Shoge received her optometry degree from and completed her pediatric residency training at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO). She is the lead instructor of the Health Care, Professionalism, and Diversity course and is an instructor in the Binocular Vision I and Acquired Brain Injury courses for the 3-year and 4-year optometry programs. She is also the lead instructor for the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Behavioral Optometry Advanced Studies domestic and international programs. Dr. Shoge received her Master’s of Public Health from Temple University with a concentration in Social and Behavioral Science. As a clinical educator, her specialties include pediatric care, binocular vision disorders, vision disorders related to TBI, and vision therapy. In the clinical setting, Dr. Shoge aims to provide and model clinical competence and cultural humility to her students as they care for their patients. She serves as an investigator in several federally funded research studies which investigate pediatric and adult visual conditions such as amblyopia, strabismus, myopia, and concussion-related vision disorders.
Date: 11/17/20
Duration: 24:01

Guest: Elizabeth Anne Rohrer
Short Description: In this episode, we talk to Elizabeth Rohrer, Occupational Therapist from Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health, about noise and light sensitivity. Elizabeth gives us strategies and techniques we can use to reduce the assault on our sense that can occur after a brain injury.
Elizabeth Anne Rohrer, OTR/L (Pennsylvania); BSc. OT Reg. (Ontario) is an Occupational Therapist with extensive experience and training in concussion and traumatic brain injury rehabilitation. She is licensed in both Pennsylvania and Ontario Canada and works at Lancaster General Health’s Neuroscience Institute as the Lead Occupational Therapist in the Concussion Recovery Program. Liz also works PRN at Acadia’s Long Term Brain Injury Rehabilitative program and at Lancaster Rehab Hospital, advocating for early binocular visual assessments and intervention for patients with neurological injuries in order to improve and enhance patient outcomes. For 25 years, Liz has had a passion for our dynamic visual system and has advocated for a holistic treatment approach. Seeing a void in addressing the visual system in rehab recovery, Liz sought out specially trained Neuro Ophthalmologists and Neuro Optometrists to be an integral part of the team.
Date: 11/10/20
Duration: 23:06

Guest: Dale Walton
Short Description: In episode 12, we talk to Dale Walton, Doctor of Physical Therapy from Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health, about the role of exercise in recovering from a brain injury. Dale discusses the importance of staying active after an injury, the kind of exercise to engage in and to avoid, and the signs to look for that indicate whether or not you are benefiting from the exercise.
Dale Walton has been a Physical Therapist (PT) for over 35 years and has spent the last 14 years of her career working with patients with Neurological deficits including patients with head injuries and various forms of dizziness. In 2012, Dale completed advanced training in the treatment of vestibular disorders. In that same year, she started the therapy portion of Lancaster General Health’s Post-Concussion Program. In 2015, Dale completed the requirements for Neuro Science Clinical Specialist Board Certification. In 2018, she completed additional schooling and earned her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. Dale is an adjunct professor at Lebanon Valley Colleges’ Doctor of Physical Therapy program and teaches on the subjects of vestibular disorders and concussion. Dale also continues to help improve the Penn Medicine Lancaster General Post-Concussion Program.
Date: 11/3/20
Duration: 24:30

Guest: Kirby
Short Description: Today, Candace Gantt speaks to Kirby — a brain injury survivor, warrior, advocate, and ambassador for Mind Your Brain. Tune in to hear Kirby share her story of survival and perseverance. After the life changing event she experienced in 2012, Kirby tells us how she stays positive and why she believes advocating for yourself is one of the most important steps in the journey.
Date: 10/27/20
Duration: 22:42

Guest: Jacqui Jarrett
Short Description: Today we will hear from a registered and licensed dietitian, Jacqui Jarrett, about the importance of a healthy diet after a brain injury. She will explain the type of fuel we need to supply our brain with energy in order to function efficiently. Jacqui also helps us with meal planning and tells us what a nutritious and balanced meal should look like so we can set ourselves up for success. Jacqui
Jarrett received her BA in Biological Sciences from the University of Delaware and a BS degree in Nutrition from Cedar Crest College. She is a registered and licensed dietitian and a certified diabetes educator. She also has advanced training in weight management through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She has served as a Nominating Chair of the Lehigh Valley Dietetic Association and has assisted throughout the years with the Pennsylvania Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics efforts locally and in Harrisburg. In 2007, she started her private practice with partner, Jennifer Doane, to create Advantage Nutrition and Wellness LLC in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
To find out more about Advantage Nutrition and Wellness LLC, visit: https://anwnutrition.com/
Date: 10/20/20
Duration: 28:33

Guest: Mary Burchett
Short Description: Today we talk to Mary Burchett from Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital about a program called Project SEARCH. Project SEARCH is an educational and work transition program for those with cognitive and/or physical disabilities. In this program, the team works to customize to the needs of each participant to help them gain and sustain employment and greater independence.
Mary Burchett completed her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling. She has over 15 years of professional experience which includes working as a case manager for a community mental health provider and group therapist at a partial hospitalization program. She also has 10 years of experience as a vocational rehabilitation counselor for the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation. She is currently the program coordinator for Project SEARCH at Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital.
To learn more about Project SEARCH, visit: https://www.mainlinehealth.org/specialties/rehab-project-search
Date: 10/13/20
Duration: 24:52

Guest: Dr. Ramiro Maldonado
Short Description: Today we talk to Dr. Ramiro Maldonado, Doctor of Physical Therapy, to talk about the difficulties brain injury survivors face including balance, dizziness, visual disturbance, and vertigo. He explains the cause of these impairments and how vestibular therapy can help. He also instructs us on ways we can practice vestibular exercises at home.
Ramiro Maldonado is a licensed Physical Therapist in the state of New York and graduated from the MGH Institute in Boston, with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2007. He spent most of his 10+ year clinical career practicing in Philadelphia, PA, with Good Shepherd Penn Partners, the official therapy provider for Penn Medicine. There he focused his career on treating those with vestibular and neurological impairment and also received further training in vestibular competency at the Emory School of Medicine in Atlanta, GA. After making a career shift, today he works with Gorbel Rehabilitation, a company that creates robotic rehabilitation equipment.
Resources: Balance Exercises, Caregiver Training, and Orthopedic Exercises from Gorbel Rehabilitation: https://www.youtube.com/c/Safegait/playlists
Date: 10/6/20
Duration: 28:19

Guest: Cristabelle Braden
Short Description: Cristabelle Braden is a singer, songwriter, speaker, author, and brain injury survivor. In this episode she shares her story of survival after suffering a traumatic brain injury at a young age. Today she is a passionate advocate for brain injury, and provides support and encouragement to survivors through her music and online community, Hope After Head Injury.
Website: www.cristabellebraden.com
Instagram: @cristabellebraden
Date: 9/29/20
Duration: 29:05

Guest: Tracey Suggs and Foster Wilkins
Short Description: In episode 6, we talk to co-founders Tracey Suggs and Foster Wilkins from Protect Your Skull, to discuss brain injury in sports. After their past experiences playing and coaching football, they are now on a mission to make all sports safer for athletes by bringing about concussion awareness. In this podcast, you’ll learn about their story, the mission of Protect Your Skull, and the reason for its motto, “Quality of Life Matters Most”.
Protect Your Skull is a performance and lifestyle brand that is focused on promoting concussion awareness and safety in all sports to the next generation of athletes. Tracey Suggs played football as a defensive back for Fayetteville State University of the CIAA Conference. It was then that he realized there was void and knew there needed to be a brand that was committed to promoting concussion awareness and safety in all sports. Today, he and Foster Wilkins work together to spread their message to universities, youth sports camps, sports leagues, and organizations around the country.
You can learn more about Protect Your Skull by visiting: www.protectyourskull.com or find it on Instagram: @protectyourskull
Date: 9/22/20
Duration: 29:24

Guest: Tom Sweitzer
Short Description: In this episode, we talk to Tom Sweitzer to discuss music therapy and the science behind it. Tom explains the ways we can use music in our day-to-day lives to help with speech, language, memory and mood after a brain injury. He also gives us real life examples of how music has helped individuals after a neurological event or diagnosis.
Tom Sweitzer is a Certified Music Therapist and the Co-Founder and Creative Director of A Place To Be in Middleburg, Virginia. Tom is also on the Virginia Task Force for the American Music Therapy Association helping make Music Therapy a more relevant, secure and understood therapy within the construct of federal policies and the public. He is also the Adjunct Professor at Shenandoah University’s Music Therapy Graduate program.
To learn more about A Place To Be: http://www.aplacetobeva.org/
To listen to Tom Sweitzer’s Ted Talk: https://youtu.be/MbWerqph24o
Date: 9/15/20
Duration: 26:13

Guest: Dr. Gillian Murray
Short Description: What can we do to get ourselves ready to return to work and be a successful employee? Today we speak with Dr. Gillian Murray from MossRehab to discuss community re-entry and vocational rehabilitation. In this open discussion, Dr. Murray suggests tools and tactics we can use to become independent, improve our communication skills, and be a reliable employee.
Dr. Murray has worked with persons with brain injury for 15 years. She currently works on the impatient brain injury unit of MossRehab, a member of Einstein Healthcare Network in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Murray also facilitates a multi-site Social Work Clinic at MossRehab and lectures at Rutgers University in the School of Social Work. She obtained a Doctorate in Clinical Social Work from the University of Pennsylvania, and a Masters in Social Work from Rutgers University.
Vocational Assessment: https://www.onetonline.org/
Date: 9/8/20
Duration: 32:57

Guest: Terry and Drew Niemann
Short Description: Today, we speak to Terry and Drew Niemann, a husband and wife duo with a story of triumph over tragedy. Terry suffered from multiple concussions over a three year period resulting in Post Concussive Syndrome (PCS). In this episode, Terry explains the adaptations and lifestyle changes she has made in her day-to-day life as a result of her injuries. As her caregiver, Drew talks about the adjustments he has made in his role as a husband to best support Terry in her recovery.
You can learn more about Terry and Drew Niemann by visiting their website: https://abattlewithin.com/ or Instagram: @a_battle_within
Date: 9/1/20
Duration: 28:12

Guest: Dr. Mario Dulay
Short Description: What is apathy and how does it differ from depression? In today’s episode, we talk to Dr. Mario Dulay, Neuropsychologist from Houston Methodist Hospital, to learn about the decrease in cognitive, behavioral and emotional components that one may experience after a TBI. Dr. Dulay will talk about tools that people can use to overcome apathy and achieve goals, especially during a time when the Covid-19 crisis is impacting daily routines and lives.
Dr. Dulay is the Director of Neuropsychology Services in the Department of Neurosurgery at Houston Methodist Hospital. He is also an Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurological Surgery at Weill Cornell Medicine, an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine at Texas A&M University College of Medicine, and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at University of Houston.
Date: 8/25/20
Duration: 20:47

Guest: Dr. Janet Belitsky
Short Description: In our first episode, Candace Gantt speaks with Dr. Janet Belitsky, Neuropsychologist at Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital, to discuss coping strategies after TBI. Listen to her unveil tips and tools that can be used daily to help improve memory and emotional regulation. This podcast discusses strategies for both survivors and caregivers.
Dr. Belitsky has a doctorate in Clinical Psychology and has been practicing at Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital in Malvern, PA for 19 years. She has a specialty in Clinical Neuropsychology and medical disabilities.
Date: 8/18/20
Duration: 40:51

Host: Candace Gantt
Short Description: Learn about the mission of Mind Your Brain and the story of Candace Gantt: traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivor and the founder of this national, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all those affected by TBI.